What are pilonidal cysts
The pilonidal cysts form at the base of the spine near the tailbone. Pilonidal cysts may also develop at lower waistline at any age. However, the cysts are more common in adolescents and young people. It is often caused by growth of excess thicken hairs and hormonal changes (sebaceous gland) after puberty. Therefore, adolescents and young people are more at the risk of pilonidal cysts. Long sitting, especially on hard surfaces, is another cause of development of these cysts in the lower back. Most students and those studying for college entrance exam sit on chairs and hard surfaces for a long time, which increases the risk of pilonidal cysts. Surgery is the definitive cure for these cysts. The surgeon drains the cyst and remove its wall. A general surgery specialist decides on the best treatment option.
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How pilonidal cysts are diagnosed?
A general surgery specialist can easily diagnose the cysts through examination. The surgeon would order x-ray images of the cysts if necessary.
The best time to visit a physician
Visit a general surgeon in case of finding a hole in the lower back at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. Timely treatment can prevent complications. The cost of treatment also decreases and recovery period is shorter in case of timely treatment. The cysts should be not neglected. Medication alone does not treat the cysts. The cyst wall should be removed or completely destroyed.
What is the best treatment option for pilonidal cysts?
Laser hair removal as adjunct to surgery is the best treatment option for treating pilonidal cysts. The surgeon treats abscess at first in case of postoperative complications, namely fistula and abscess. Then, the surgeon proceeds to remove the cysts using laser therapy. The surgical procedure depends on the treatment option even in case of postoperative complications.
The patients should rest for one night. They can undertake normal daily tasks on the next day. Laser therapy is done with extreme care and healthy tissue around the cysts is not damaged.